Daniel Newnham
I first contacted Callan to get some 1on1 technique sessions for my squats, deadlifts and bench press. I wanted someone better than a usual gym bro personal trainer and who better than a powerlifter? ⠀
From Callan’s guidance my squats immediately improved at a much faster rate and my form was on point and only getting better with Callan’s support and weekly video analysis - which honestly is priceless. ⠀
I signed up to a novice comp with only 8 weeks to prep for it and I managed to increase my 1 rep max on squat from around 100kg up to 120kg, my bench went from 70kg to 80kg, and deadlifts from 120 to 140. ⠀⠀
Powerlifting in general has given me meaning and purpose for going hard in the gym and having Callan as my coach has been key in keeping me focused, accountable and continually improving my technique.⠀
If you are interested in doing powerlifting then getting Callan as a coach is the best way to go or even if you just want to learn to squat, bench and deadlift properly!